Philippines Father of Internet

Dr. William "Bill" Torres

About Dr. William Torres

This last March 29, 2016, we celebrated the birth of internet in our country, which it turns 22 this year. So I suddenly become curious about who brought our country online. Is it the foreigners who offered it, or a courageous Filipino, who funded it, who or what is involved, how many years it took to connect to the world? Who is behind of this great history?

Dr. William “Bill” Torres, played not only a significant role but also he had the greatest contribution in Philippine internet industry. On 1992, he has the only courage to change our old-age into a modern technology. Back then, he initiated the first informal negotiations with the United States National Science Foundation to bring the internet to the Philippines. He was also the first to approach the government agencies to sponsor the said project.

He was the first Filipino to obtain a Ph. D. in computer Science. From 1966 to 1999 of active studies in the field of Information Technology, seems too long. 33 years of studies in overall, seems to be so long. But He said, “Not at all”. Long years of studies is not a hindrance for a person who have a vision for his country.


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